Ellery S.Elick
Pickaway County Treasurer
110 Island Rd Ste E
Circleville, OH 43113
P: (740) 474-2370
F: (740) 477-2386
Treasurer: Ellery S. Elick
Ellery was appointed to the office of County Treasurer in May, 2003 and is completing his fourth term. He is very active in the County Treasurer’s Association of Ohio, where he has served in all five of the Association officer positions. He is a standing member of the Association’s Legislative Committee and the Ohio Council of County Officials. He has also served two terms as the President of the Southeast District of County Treasurers. Ellery is very active in many community organizations. As the County Treasurer, he is charged with the collection of all real property taxes and manufactured homes taxes. He also is the Chief Investment Official for the County and holds the highest bond among all other other County Officials. He serves as the Chairman of the County Investment Advisory Board and is a statutory member of the Board of Revision, the Budget Commission, and the Data Processing Board.
Ellery operates the Treasurer’s office with three full-time deputies and one part-time deputy. Real estate taxes may be paid in person, by mail, or by credit card via the website: ( www.pickaway.org and link to the Treasurer site). Manufactured homes taxes may be paid in person or by mail. The Treasurer’s Office is open Monday through Friday from 8:15 to 4:00.