207 South Court Street
Circleville, OH 43113
P: (740) 474-6026
F: (740) 477-6334
P: (740) 474-5231
F: (740) 477-3976
The courts of common pleas are the trial courts of general jurisdiction in the state. They are the only trial courts created by the Ohio Constitution (in Article IV, Section 1). The duties of the courts are outlined in Article IV, Section 4. Each of Ohio's 88 counties has a court of common pleas. The Ohio General Assembly (the state legislature) has the power to divide courts of common pleas into divisions, and has done so, establishing general, domestic relations, juvenile, and probate divisions:
Hon. P. Randall Knece Common Pleas Judge 740-474-6026
Alice Malott Court Reporter 740-474-8376
amalott@pickawaycountyohio.gov Court Secretary Fax: 740-420-5421
Deanna Reeser Assignment Commissioner 740-474-6027
dreeser@pickawaycountyohio.gov Fax: 740-477-6334
Robert Radcliff Court Bailiff 740-477-3760
Beth Kowalski Staff Attorney /Magistrate 740-477-3637
bkowalski@pickawaycountyohio.gov Court Mediator
Shawn Davis Court Investigator 740-477-1680
sdavis@pickawaycountyohio.gov Fax:740-477-2048
Rick Noble Magistrate 740-477-3840
rnoble@pickawaycountyohio.gov Domestic Relations Fax:740-420-5422
Valerie Travis Magistrate Noble’s 740-477-3840
vtravis@pickawaycountyohio.gov Bailiff/Secretary Fax:740-420-5422
Magistrate Carrie Charles Child Support Magistrate 740-474-3117
ccharles@pickawaycountyohio.gov _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Nicklus Booher Magistrate Charles 740-474-3117
nbooher@pickawaycountyohio.gov Bailiff Ext. 232
William Greer Chief Probation Officer 740-420-5430
wgreer@pickawaycountyohio.gov ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Kellen Hedges Probation Department Probation Officer 740-474-2058
Probation Department Drug Court Coordinator 740-474-6426
Anna Williams Probation Department Administrative Assistant 740-420-5431
JURY COMMISSIONERS: Earl W. Palm, Betty Caudill
JURY EMAIL ADDRESS: jury@pickawaycountyohio.gov