Pickaway County



141 West Main St, Suite 800
Circleville, OH 43113



Michele Hobson, Acting Director - Started February 2024


Paul Hastings - Temporary Full Time Deputy Director


Cherie Brenot, Clerk - Started October 1993

Debbie Shirey, Clerk- Started January 2017


2024 General Election Drop Box Video


Primary Purpose (s) of Department/Agency:

  • Reviews all directives advisories, memorandums, correspondence and materials issued by the Secretary of State.
  • Documents and makes recommendations to the Board concerning hiring, scheduling, responsibilities, evaluations, compensation, discipline and discharge of employees of the Board.
  • Oversees staff development, supervises staff, conducts regular staff meetings with agenda, delegates and evaluates all work assignments for all Board employees and reports to the Board any and all personnel issues that may require their attention.
  • Receives and preserves all property belonging to the Board, including all books, papers, monies, records and reports. The Director is responsible for the safety and security of all records and property of the Board, including ballots and other permanent records and for the retention schedule associated with each.
  • Keeps a record of the proceedings of the Board, including minutes of Board meetings, processes, evaluates and reports election results and other reporting as required by the Secretary of State or the County if it applies.
  • Oversees and supervises the processing of voter registration documents, including but not limited to acknowledgement cards, confirmation cards, and other notices.
  • Develops an annual budget and oversee monthly processing of income and expenditures as well as conducting a review of monthly budgetary reports, including payroll.
  • Audits Campaign Finance Reports filed in our County.
  • Calculates charge backs to political subdivision.
  • Assists Local Option Petitioners with questions and issues as they relate to a ballot issue.
  • Assists the Board on scheduling and conducting hearings, processing protests, and other matters of legal concern for the Board.
  • Prepares for and assists the Board in the conduct of all Primary, General and Special Elections including:
    • Assists with preparing ballot language, and coordinating with subdivisions, legal representatives, County Chairs, and clerks.
    • Assists or assigns responsibility for the duties for the preliminary and/or final proofing of all ballot language and layout.
    • Prepares notifications and advertising requirements.
    • Issuing and reviewing bids for election supplies and making recommendations to the Board on the award.
    • Oversees the requisitions of all election supplies, including ballots, precinct kits and other supplies.
    • Recruits, hires and oversees or conducts training sessions for precinct election officials and staff.
    • Assists the Board in delivery and pick up of election supplies by election officials, and may administer the oath of office for election officials.
    • Makes recommendations for changes to precincts, including consolidations, splits, or other matters involving boundaries.
    • Makes recommendations on polling locations and contracts involving polling locations.
    • Supervises and oversees that all polling locations are available, accessible, and comply with applicable laws.
    • Supervises delivery, transfer, setup and return of election equipment for polling locations.
    • Assist with reviews and recommendations on resolutions and petitions filed with the Board.