Flood Zones
FEMA DFIRM Zone Definition
Flood hazard areas identified on the
Flood Insurance Rate Map are identified as a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA).
SFHA are defined as the area that will be inundated by the flood event having a
1-percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The 1-percent
annual chance flood is also referred to as the base flood or 100-year flood.
SFHAs are labeled as Zone A, Zone AO, Zone AH, Zones A1-A30, Zone AE, Zone A99,
Zone AR, Zone AR/AE, Zone AR/AO, Zone AR/A1-A30, Zone AR/A, Zone V, Zone VE,
and Zones V1-V30. Moderate flood hazard areas, labeled Zone B or Zone X
(shaded) are also shown on the FIRM, and are the areas between the limits of
the base flood and the 0.2-percent-annual-chance (or 500-year) flood. The areas
of minimal flood hazard, which are the areas outside the SFHA and higher than
the elevation of the 0.2-percent-annual-chance flood, are labeled Zone C or
Zone X (unshaded).
To see flood maps for a specific
address, visit FEMA's.
The National Flood Insurance Program
Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Program
Letter of Map Amendment & Letter of Map
Revision-Based on Fill Process
Conditional Letter of Map Revision
Learn more about what how FEMA defines each
flood zone in Appendix D, page D-11 of the below document.
IS-9 Managing Floodplain Development Through The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) (Page 3-33)
For further Information on
Flood Permits and Special Purpose Flood Damage Reduction
Pickaway County Building Dept.
124 West Franklin Street
Circleville, OH 43113
P: (740) 477-8282
F: (740) 477-8265
For other information
NASA Earth
Science Disasters Program Flood Information
The National Risk Index is a
dataset and online tool to help illustrate the United States communities most
at risk for 18 natural hazards. It was designed and built by FEMA in close
collaboration with various stakeholders and partners in academia; local, state and federal government; and private industry. Link
or 740-474-5823